New Mission for the North-South Centre

Ne Mission for the North-South Centre
 May 2013
Following a reflection regarding the future and the potential of the Centre, the Committee of Ministers decided to entrust the Centre with a mission in the framework of the Council of Europe neighbourhood policy and in agreement and coordination with the activities developed by other sectors of the Organisation (see the Committee of Ministers' decision and the adopted Report of the GT-CNS Group on the Future of the Centre). 

The objective of the North-South Centre is to contribute to democratic processes, mainly through education to democratic citizenship and intercultural dialogue. The main target is civil society, in particular youth and women. 

The Centre offers for neighbouring regions and beyond a unique platform for dialogue and structured cooperation between all dimensions of the « quadrilogue »: the governments, the parliaments, the local authorities and the civil society. The Centre acts to promote the principles and standards of the Council of Europe, through comprehensive multilateral actions of regional scope. 

In 2014 – 2015 the Centre will continue to develop activities focused on the role of civil society, in particular young people and women, in democratic transitions and its positioning as an actor of governance. 

In the framework of the “Joint Management Agreement” signed by the NSC and the European Commission in November 2008 and renewed until 2015, the Centre will continue to implement activities in the fields of education and youth, with the aim to develop a “culture of democratic citizenship” and to build a global citizenship based on human rights and citizens’ responsibilities. An extension of this programme to neighbouring regions could be considered as from 2014.